How to overcome your fears
Try your best to start as soon as possible
By Ryan Harrata

“Everyone has fears that are difficult to overcome,” says Zane Salti, an experienced fear-breaker. He has overcome many difficulties in his life, most revolving around fears. He mentions how pursuing greatness requires overcoming fears and how this obstacle is what makes life so promising. We become new people we once thought we couldn’t be by overcoming fears
“The first step is to highlight the fears in your life that you would like to overcome,” he says. “This could be anything from addressing insecurities to riding a motorcycle. Everyone is going through different things.” So, the first actionable step is to get out a notebook and write out your biggest fears. It’s also vital to understand why you want to overcome these fears. Make sure that it’s not the influence of others on your motivation. “If you do things because others tell you to, you are moving backward,” Salti says.
The second step would be to take action as soon as possible. Salti mentions, “It’s important to understand that the best way to overcome your fear to jump right into practice.” It doesn’t have to be drastic or all at once, but it could be just a little every day. He also mentions, “People generally know what to do but struggle to do it.” So the best thing to do with your fear is to attack it.
Finally, the last and most important thing to realize when trying to overcome your fear is to acknowledge that big change takes time. Changing how you view the world around you takes consistency and time to develop. For most challenges, if you work every day on a goal you set, it is likely to get accomplished. “100% effort in a single day will get you nowhere compared to 10% every day for 10 days,” Salti adds.
We Should Become More Mature
As individuals, we should hold high standards for ourselves. This includes setting having true adult-level maturity. Sure some adults aren’t so mature, but generally speaking, the more years you live, the more experience you have, and with that the more maturity that comes.
So why is maturity important? Maturity is essential to a high-value person because you can get through tough situations more easily, and others can depend on you and trust you. There are a whole lot of benefits from being mature and other people can sense it through your actions. This is backed up and explained in other sources such as the New York Times.
What does it mean to be mature? Being mature means you are competent and wise enough to make the best choices. Being mature doesn’t only mean being knowledgeable, it means being wise. Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit, but wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad. In short, being mature is having the capability to make the right choices consistently. These claims also align with a story of a kid into adulthood posted on the NPR.
How do we become more mature? To become more mature we must first surround ourselves with other mature people and gain knowledge from them. Next, we must dive head-first into uncomfortable situations. After we have done these things, we will be left with a whole lot of problems to solve. We use our logic and heart accompanied by the opinion of other wise people and make tough decisions that might or might not solve the issues. This process will most likely hurt but in the end, you will be stronger and more mature if done correctly. Learning from experience forges maturity.
Works cited:
“StoryCorps Traces One Remarkable Kid’s Journey into Adulthood.” Morning Edition (NPR), Sept. 2023. EBSCOhost,
Brooks, David. Opinion | Therapy Culture Has Undermined Our Maturity. The New York Times, 10 Aug. 2023,

PRO Column
As individuals, we should hold high standards for ourselves. This includes setting having true adult-level maturity. Sure some adults aren’t so mature, but generally speaking, the more years you live, the more experience you have, and with that the more maturity that comes.
So why is maturity important? Maturity is essential to a high-value person because you can get through tough situations more easily, and others can depend on you and trust you. There are a whole lot of benefits from being mature and other people can sense it through your actions.
What does it mean to be mature? I believe that being mature means you are competent and wise enough to make the best choices. Being mature doesn’t only mean being knowledgeable, it means being wise. Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit, but wisdom is knowing to not put it in a fruit salad. In short, being mature is having the capability to make the right choices consistently.
How do we become more mature? To become more mature we must first surround ourselves with other mature people and gain knowledge from them. Next, we must dive head-first into uncomfortable situations. After we have done these things, we will be left with a whole lot of problems to solve. We use our logic and heart accompanied by the opinion of other wise people and make tough decisions that might or might not solve the issues. This process will most likely hurt but in the end, you will be stronger and more mature if done correctly. Learning from experience forges maturity.
What is High School Like in 2023?

Image by CDC from Pexels
School is an opportunity for anyone who tries their very best. I believe that someone who does well in school, by taking on challenges and prevailing through hard work, can see success in many aspects of their life. There are many valuable lessons to be learned in school. I believe education is a necessary tool to get me where I want to be in life. I see my classes as challenges I need to overcome to get to that finish line.
My goal is to become a medical doctor. I am unsure of the specific field of medicine I would choose, however, I am certain I want to become a doctor. Education has many positive aspects and many negative ones in my opinion. I like how competitive and serious school can be. Any time an assignment is late, even by a second, it could drop your GPA depending on who the teacher is. Something that may seem so insignificant can deal real damage to what you’ve spent years building. Just like anything in life, there is a dark side to caring too much about grades. You start to let it affect your mood, your heart drops when you see a terrible score, or you freak out when you realize you haven’t submitted an assignment on time.
I’ve noticed that I perform best in school when I can step outside the chaos and see the work for what it is. It’s not the end of the world if I get a mediocre score, it’s only one grade, and I can make sure to learn some new lessons to get a better score in the future. However, I know there is a way to get a perfect score, and it wouldn’t be by accident. Humans learn through trial and error in life and I know that I am no different. I understand that whatever I put my mind to, I can achieve, and school is no exception.
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