What is High School Like in 2023?

Image by CDC from Pexels

School is an opportunity for anyone who tries their very best. I believe that someone who does well in school, by taking on challenges and prevailing through hard work, can see success in many aspects of their life. There are many valuable lessons to be learned in school. I believe education is a necessary tool to get me where I want to be in life. I see my classes as challenges I need to overcome to get to that finish line.

My goal is to become a medical doctor. I am unsure of the specific field of medicine I would choose, however, I am certain I want to become a doctor. Education has many positive aspects and many negative ones in my opinion. I like how competitive and serious school can be. Any time an assignment is late, even by a second, it could drop your GPA depending on who the teacher is. Something that may seem so insignificant can deal real damage to what you’ve spent years building. Just like anything in life, there is a dark side to caring too much about grades. You start to let it affect your mood, your heart drops when you see a terrible score, or you freak out when you realize you haven’t submitted an assignment on time.

I’ve noticed that I perform best in school when I can step outside the chaos and see the work for what it is. It’s not the end of the world if I get a mediocre score, it’s only one grade, and I can make sure to learn some new lessons to get a better score in the future. However, I know there is a way to get a perfect score, and it wouldn’t be by accident. Humans learn through trial and error in life and I know that I am no different. I understand that whatever I put my mind to, I can achieve, and school is no exception.

2 thoughts on “What is High School Like in 2023?”

  1. This essay is refreshing, it takes on a new perspective to how high school is. It doesnt talk about covid, or mean girls, or sports, or drama. It talks about the personal growth and battle with yourself. Your personality and morals are spilling out of this and it is so inspiring to read.

  2. I like how it was acknowledged both that some career paths have very high standards for grades and that it can be difficult, but also that it is doable and you can still mess up sometimes. Are there any specific classes that you found difficult and worried about like you mentioned? Maybe the transition between paragraphs could be a little less direct.

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